- 主演: 未知
- 導演: 卡蜜拉·羅德裏格斯·特裏亞納
劇情: 《化為灰燼》是一部於2019年上映的,記錄片,紀錄電影由卡蜜拉·羅德裏格斯·特裏亞納執導, This film is based on the story of Marco, who has an identity disorder as a consequence of Colombia’s armed conflict, which forced him to change his identity three times. In his other house, he finds objects that take him to a world where his memories, fears and the ghosts of those men that he once was coexist. Marco has to face a part of the story that he wants to forget: he was part of the communist guerrilla. That truth will be revealed and Marco will lose his family. The film tells a real story while including elements of fiction, theatre and performance.
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