劇情: 《龍哥》是一部於2007年上映的,記錄片,紀錄電影由周浩執導,阿龍,阿俊主演。 導演認識了兩位“朋友”。他與他們之間的交往構成了這部片子。開始,他並沒有一個明確的計劃要製作一部紀錄片,但隨著時間的推移,他開始有目的和他們交“朋友”。“朋友”們奇跡般地允許導演進入他們的生活,他們吸毒也販毒的生活。 紀錄片的製作者和被拍者之間到底應該是一種什麽樣的關係,這部影片給出了它的解釋。 The director himself (who’s also a journalist) encountered in an interview a small group of people who, despite all odds, willingly invite him into their world of drug use and peddling. That’s how “Using” was born. What exactly is the relationship between a filmmaker and those being portrayed, “Using” has the answer.
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